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There is a lifetime between forty and finished.

You have as much possibility in front of you as you have experience behind you. That's what gives you so much power.

These are your Power Years™.


Your age is an asset. You’re more powerful than you know.

You’ve accomplished so much and now you’re ready to figure out what “being” looks like.

That doesn’t mean there’s not more you want to do.

Quite the contrary. You have dreams even if they’re undefined.

You’re not ready to stop contributing or experiencing life to the fullest but now you want to do it on your terms, your way, and without the oppressive “shoulds” that guided the first half of life.

You want meaning, pleasure, creativity, connection, rest, and play.

How do I know? Because I want all of that too and I’m dedicated to creating more of it for myself and for you as well.


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The Creative Midlife Review

Just like a closet that can overflow, midlife can get packed with obligations, habits, and choices that cause clutter.

The Creative Midlife Review is a four-week live workshop that gives you the time, tools, and community to assess what you want to keep, tweak, and let go of in midlife.

It's the perfect way to kick off a fresh start.

Are you ready to declutter?

We start again in Fall 2024. Join us!


private coaching
A private space that's just for you.

When the right person and coach come together, it’s nothing short of fireworks. In our one-to-one sessions, we can focus on your unique needs and desires and have the space to explore, deepen and move you forward.

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DIY WOrkbook

The Creative Midlife Review

You don't have to wait for the live workshop. Get the DIY Creative Midlife Review workbook now for only $29.

Latest from the blog

Midlife Creativity

Midlife creativity: Finding inspiration in everyday choices

Midlife can be a period of profound self-discovery if you let it be. It’s also a time that has the potential to be creatively robust even if you’ve never thought of yourself as creative. I think for many, this call to creativity stems from a desire to make meaning and connections.  For some people, midlife […]

Adding life layers in midlife

Adding “life layers” in midlife

One summer, I was sitting alone on the dock at a cottage and looking around at the lake, the beach, and the landscaping on the property thinking about what made it so pleasing to my eyes. A single word popped into my head: layers. Layers add complexity, variety, depth, and interest. It’s how we express […]

A photograph of balloon numbers against a sunlit sky. The numbers are 5- and 0- and are used to commemorate a fiftieth birthday.

Turning 40 or 50 and want to know what’s next? Ask yourself these questions.

A milestone birthday has a way of kicking up a LOT of questions. And turning 50 really gets those “Now what?” and “What’s next?” questions popping up like a game of whack-a-mole. You might try to knock them back in because they can feel scary and heavy, but they don’t need to. Take these companion […]

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