
Midlife creativity: Finding inspiration in everyday choices

Midlife can be a period of profound self-discovery if you let it be. It’s also a time that has the potential to be creatively robust even if you’ve never thought of yourself as creative. I think for many, this call to creativity stems from a desire to make meaning and connections.  For some people, midlife…
Marci Warhaft

“Turning fifty gave me a sense of confidence and strength that I had yet to experience”

Marci Warhaft faced unbelievable trauma and tragedy in her first half of life that included losing the people she loved and counted on. As a consequence she developed an eating disorder that she struggled with for 20 years. Turning 50 gave Marci the strength to share her story and focus on both her own recovery and helping others. This is a story of immense courage and reckoning that has allowed Marci to follow her own authentic path to joy.
Robin Taylor

“Even baby steps are steps forward.”

In her late thirties, Robin Taylor and her husband moved their two kids from their home in Toronto to live in the country. In her mid-forties, she took another leap and did her yoga training. She's now happily living in Caledon, teaching yoga and pursuing her next professional certification.

20 Quotes for people who are transforming their lives

After learning how to make a "Book of Hours" in Rozanne Lopez's workshop last December, I'm sharing some of my favorite quotes and wisdom from my very own Book of Hours journal. They continue to inspire me and keep me focused. I hope they will be valuable to you as well.
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