Annie Gaudreault

“In curiosity there is magic”

Annie went back to school in her 40s to study nutrition. At almost 53 years old she is guiding other midlife women to feel powerful in their bodies. Now she’s dedicated to growing her business, writing a book, and continuously learning.
Aadila Munshi

“I believe we each must stay true to our own vision”

Aadila Munshi grew up in apartheid South Africa and studied criminology at the University of Cape Town before moving to Toronto, Canada. She works as a painter and powerfully weaves her values and perspectives into each piece.
Stacey Bernstein

“I am following my own internal compass”

Stacey Bernstein upended her whole life - her marriage and career - in her 40s. Through a series of losses and endings, she became acutely aware of how short life is and listened to a voice that told her she deserved to be happy. Stacey followed that inner guidance and discovered her own strength, resourcefulness, and resilience. In her early 50s, she has created a creatively fulfilling career and prioritizes her physical, mental, and spiritual health.
e bond

“Sometimes the way forward isn’t always forward”

After 20 years of friendship, community, artmaking, and being a professor, e sold her life and drove across the country at 38 years old to do an MFA in Creative Writing and Book Art. She now lives on an island in northern California that is the polar opposite to her previous life in Philadelphia, working in design, making art, and navigating the changes of perimenopause.
Janice Mendes

“My 40’s have been a decade of finding my voice and growing my confidence.”

At 48, with no experience in Film and Television, Janice Mendes signed with an agent and within 16 months had worked on 30 projects. An unwavering belief in herself and a desire to have a life that inspires and fulfills her is what's behind her ability to leap.
Jennifer Ziliotto Durand

“It’s been a real time of growth.”

In her late forties, Jennifer Ziliotto Durand has experienced many shifts in the last few years from moving her family from Toronto to Montreal to closing the doors of her business and opening up an online retail experience, to becoming a mom of teens and losing her own mother.
Jeanette Ramnarine

“In our 40’s, we begin to realize who we really are and who we are meant to be.”

At 40, Jeanette Ramnarine and her husband were put in a position, after he was laid off, to think about what they were passionate about and how they could work together to support their family. What emerged was a family business that allows them to prioritize what's most important to them and do work that doesn't feel like work.
Nadia Lassman

“Fake it till you make it, because at some point, you will make it.”

From practicing law to impressionist painter, Nadia Lassman talks about doing what she loves, being mindful of giving time to what's most important, and her advice for people who also want to make a career shift after 40.
Carol Sloan

“I had been using the wrong barometer for success all along.”

Carol Sloan's transformation from teacher to freelance writer has reinflated her "once sad balloon". This new chapter of focusing on her dreams and stopping old habits of people-pleasing makes her feel like herself again.

20 Quotes for people who are transforming their lives

After learning how to make a "Book of Hours" in Rozanne Lopez's workshop last December, I'm sharing some of my favorite quotes and wisdom from my very own Book of Hours journal. They continue to inspire me and keep me focused. I hope they will be valuable to you as well.
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