
Annie Gaudreault

“In curiosity there is magic”

Annie went back to school in her 40s to study nutrition. At almost 53 years old she is guiding other midlife women to feel powerful in their bodies. Now she’s dedicated to growing her business, writing a book, and continuously learning.
Sandra Julian

“If you want to live a life of no regrets then change is needed”

Sandra Julian doesn't relate to the word "power," but when you read her story, I think you'll agree that she is the embodiment of a Power Years woman. She is an indigenous mama of 3 living in Wellington, New Zealand, a successful founder of her own business for over twenty years, a podcaster, and helps women and minorities use business to improve their lives. In her fifties, she's found calm and a sense of balance after divorce, financial freedom, newly embraced her grey hair and found time for hobbies that she enjoys.
Tinka Markham Piper

“For me, finding joy in small moments is so essential to everyday life”

Tinka Markham Piper is the epitome of someone who has combined experience with possibility, especially in the business she created nine years ago. Taking her skills from her previous careers and following her passion for home transformation, Tinka became what she calls a "chaos counselor."
Johanna Reynolds

“I try and do something every day to push my own boundaries.”

In her late 40s, Johanna Reynolds is celebrating finding success as a full-time professional painter. She says her shifting her mindset and finding the confidence has been fundamental to being able to make this shift.
Melinda Thomas

“The biggest shift for me, after 40, was my power to create the life I want to live.”

Melinda Thomas is a former actor in her 50s who left New York after 20 years and followed her heart to Birmingham, Alabama where her boyfriend lives. She also followed her heart away from corporate America to to entrepreneurship. The power to create the life she wants has been one of the biggest shifts she's experienced in midlife.
Mercedes Findlay

“There is a sublime comfort that comes with 40.”

When Mercedes Findlay was laid off from her television job in her late thirties, it was the catalyst for a major midlife shift that helped her find unknown depths of strength, skills, support, and maybe most importantly, her voice.
Shari Walczak

“Imposter syndrome doesn’t really hold me back anymore.”

Shari Walczak veteran of the advertising industry, entrepreneur, and mom of two boys. In this profile, she shares her thoughts about aging in an industry that puts youth on a pedestal, imposter syndrome, and the framework she uses to make big decisions in her life.
Debra Christmas

“I’m a happy woman and that is a choice every single day.”

Debra Christmas is a ball of energy in her early 60s who is determined to live another 40 years. She talks about what it was like 20 years ago juggling the end of her marriage, and taking care of her kids with her demanding career and travel schedule. Debra also shares what growing up in a Montreal's black community taught her about the importance of contribution.
Cheryl Himburg

“There will never be a perfect time.”

Cheryl Himburg's 20s and 30s brought her more change and challenge than most of us will face in a lifetime. In wasn't until after she turned 40 that she realized that she could design a life she loves.
Lori Niles-Hofmann

“After we realized we weren’t having kids I changed my life.”

Lori Niles-Hofmann spent her early forties trying to adopt a child with her husband. As she ran into issues with the system and process, she began advocating for change. Unfortunately, they weren't able to adopt and she finally had to release her hopes and dreams of having children. Now in her mid-forties, she realized that the end of one chapter was the beginning of another she could consciously create.
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