Annie Gaudreault

“In curiosity there is magic”

Annie went back to school in her 40s to study nutrition. At almost 53 years old she is guiding other midlife women to feel powerful in their bodies. Now she’s dedicated to growing her business, writing a book, and continuously learning.
Stacey Bernstein

“I am following my own internal compass”

Stacey Bernstein upended her whole life - her marriage and career - in her 40s. Through a series of losses and endings, she became acutely aware of how short life is and listened to a voice that told her she deserved to be happy. Stacey followed that inner guidance and discovered her own strength, resourcefulness, and resilience. In her early 50s, she has created a creatively fulfilling career and prioritizes her physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Marci Warhaft

“Turning fifty gave me a sense of confidence and strength that I had yet to experience”

Marci Warhaft faced unbelievable trauma and tragedy in her first half of life that included losing the people she loved and counted on. As a consequence she developed an eating disorder that she struggled with for 20 years. Turning 50 gave Marci the strength to share her story and focus on both her own recovery and helping others. This is a story of immense courage and reckoning that has allowed Marci to follow her own authentic path to joy.

9 habits to take you from midlife muck to your Power Years

It's not uncommon to suddenly feel like you're stuck in the muck in midlife. Make these your Power Years by embracing these 9 powerful habits.
Photography of Yvonne Heath giving a presentation.

“I realized I am capable of so much more than I ever dreamed of.”

Yvonne Heath had been working as a nurse since 1988 when at 50 years old, she was called to try to solve our society's problem with grief. Her message to talk about prepare for and be with people in grief is one she is spreading through her book, talks, online course and more.
Melinda Thomas

“The biggest shift for me, after 40, was my power to create the life I want to live.”

Melinda Thomas is a former actor in her 50s who left New York after 20 years and followed her heart to Birmingham, Alabama where her boyfriend lives. She also followed her heart away from corporate America to to entrepreneurship. The power to create the life she wants has been one of the biggest shifts she's experienced in midlife.
Lynn Borton

“I want to stay in expansion mode.”

At 53, Lynn Borton had dodged cancer, written the last tuition check, mourned friends gone too soon and decided the universe was trying to tell her something. "Life is short, it seemed to be saying. You’ve put off a lot until later. What if later is now?"
Amy Gidden

“I wanted my work to align with the things I care about in the world.”

When Amy Giddon was in her early-50s she took a huge leap to become an entrepreneur. Moved by her deep concerns about the tribalism and us versus them-ism and othering that's going on in the world today, Amy created an app that fosters empathy and connection. It was an unexpected shift but one that was made possible because of the life stage in which she found herself in her early 50s.
Vicky Sanderson

“Life after 40 is magnificent.”

Vicky Sanderson is a journalist, wife, and mom of 4, who is turning 60. She's seen big shifts both professionally and personally and she's speaking her truth, supporting the causes she believes in and unapologetically being herself.
Jill Mayer

“I think many of us are following a map that is outdated.”

Jill Mayer realized that even though she had everything she had ever wanted, something was missing in her life. Now 50, she has made a significant career change and recognizes how it important it is to her happiness to be with people and be in places that make her feel most alive.
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