Sandra Julian

“If you want to live a life of no regrets then change is needed”

Sandra Julian doesn't relate to the word "power," but when you read her story, I think you'll agree that she is the embodiment of a Power Years woman. She is an indigenous mama of 3 living in Wellington, New Zealand, a successful founder of her own business for over twenty years, a podcaster, and helps women and minorities use business to improve their lives. In her fifties, she's found calm and a sense of balance after divorce, financial freedom, newly embraced her grey hair and found time for hobbies that she enjoys.
Nancy Zimmerman

“I’m so much more at ease with myself.”

Her passion is helping people reach their financial goals but Nancy Zimmerman gave up pursuing it when she left Vancouver 10 years ago. Now financially healthy herself she's got wisdom to share and is following her calling.
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