Questions to ask yourself if you feel invisible in midlife

I’ve been wrestling with understanding why some people report feeling invisible in midlife and others seem to feel more visible than ever. It’s been a wrestle because I suspected that tied closely to that feeling of invisibility was a loss of privilege – a privilege that not everyone had in the first place. So while…
Annie Gaudreault

“In curiosity there is magic”

Annie went back to school in her 40s to study nutrition. At almost 53 years old she is guiding other midlife women to feel powerful in their bodies. Now she’s dedicated to growing her business, writing a book, and continuously learning.
Bayla Goldstein with Sara Smeaton

“The more fully present I am the more powerful I feel.”

Bayla Goldstein is my 74-year-old mother. She is a constant inspiration, friend, and source of unconditional love to me. I couldn't be prouder to share her story with her you.
Sara Smeaton with her 93-year-old grandmother, Irene Goldstein.

“I don’t have great genes and I’m not lucky.”

Irene Goldstein is my 93-year-old grandmother and I think she's pretty amazing. I wanted you to meet her and hear what she has to say about midlife, gratitude, and when she feels most powerful.
Eleanor Roffman

“I role model authentic and thoughtful deeds and actions.”

Now in her 70s, Eleanor Roffman is an example of someone who lives consciously and has consistently redesigned based on her values. She has planted and continues to plant the seeds for an authentic and meaningful future.
Carl Honoré

“I’m taking on the cult of youth.”

Carl Honoré woke up to his own ageism at 48 when he realized he was the oldest player at a hockey tournament. That led him to investigate his feelings about aging and write his new book, BOLDER, which explores the many positive aspects of aging.
Lorraine C. Ladish

“If not now, when?”

At 45 Lorraine lost everything and ended up a single mom on welfare with two young daughters. She reinvented herself to become a successful influencer and today is happy with her work, family, the love of her life, and health.
Barbara Salsberg

“Don’t let your fears control you…”

In her fifties, Barbara made a conscious decision to try things that she had previously avoided her whole life out of fear. Today she is a strong, outgoing, fearless, and thriving 66-year-old who her former self probably wouldn't recognize.
Midlife woman walks in a meadow by the sea in Pane e Pomodoro's beach in Bari (Apulia)

Midlife redesign: 10 signs you’re ready

Midlife gets a bad rap with its connection to crises and stray chin hairs.But what is also true is the middle can be an incredible time of life.By the time we reach our 40s and 50s, we’ve put hours and hours into building our lives. If we haven’t quite gotten to the top of the mountain then we’re at least experts on the climb. And we look around and realize that all our choices have brought us to this point.
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