Annie Gaudreault

“In curiosity there is magic”

Annie went back to school in her 40s to study nutrition. At almost 53 years old she is guiding other midlife women to feel powerful in their bodies. Now she’s dedicated to growing her business, writing a book, and continuously learning.
Aadila Munshi

“I believe we each must stay true to our own vision”

Aadila Munshi grew up in apartheid South Africa and studied criminology at the University of Cape Town before moving to Toronto, Canada. She works as a painter and powerfully weaves her values and perspectives into each piece.
Gail Gensler

“Don’t give in to the archaic thinking that midlife signals an end”

At 60, Gail Gensler is in “beast mode”. She is passionate about fitness and aspires to change the narrative for both younger generations, so that they won’t fear growing older, and for her peers. She is as fierce about fighting ageism in marketing and branding as she is about her fitness.
Melanie Gordon

“I’m putting a lot of time and thought into how I am living my life.”

Melanie Gordon was a new mom of a 20-month old when she found a lump in her breast. This forced her from new mom mode into survival mode. Her experience with cancer made what was important to her very clear and she's been spending her time since recovering focused very intentionally on those things.
Portrait of Monique Kavelaars, client of Sara Smeaton Coaching

“Ten years from now, what will you have wished you’d done?”

Monique Kavelaars is a former Olympic athlete, wife, mom, and entrepreneur who became pregnant with her first child at 39 years old and is now helping teams and groups of people work better together.
Portrait of Sara Smeaton in her garden, photographed by Amber Ellis

“I started to hear a little voice inside me asking ‘what else?’.”

I finally turned the tables on myself and answered my own questions about midlife and my story. I talk about my challenges with a very rare congenital issue that cost me my first pregnancy, our early challenges with our daughter's health, and the shifts that propelled me into my midlife transformation.
Shari Walczak

“Imposter syndrome doesn’t really hold me back anymore.”

Shari Walczak veteran of the advertising industry, entrepreneur, and mom of two boys. In this profile, she shares her thoughts about aging in an industry that puts youth on a pedestal, imposter syndrome, and the framework she uses to make big decisions in her life.
Robin Whalen

“I decided years ago to just be myself.”

Robin Whalen talks about what's it's like to be a woman and over 40 in advertising, the defining experience of losing her first husband to Leukemia when their kids were small, and the positive impact aging has had on her confidence.
Cheryl Himburg

“There will never be a perfect time.”

Cheryl Himburg's 20s and 30s brought her more change and challenge than most of us will face in a lifetime. In wasn't until after she turned 40 that she realized that she could design a life she loves.

How my body taught me to stop “should-ing” myself

My mother, the sage, said, “look how the word shoulder is spelled,” and waited (a while) for me to see what she was saying: SHOULD-er.Then she asked me, “are you “should-ing” yourself right now?”.
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