Annie Gaudreault

“In curiosity there is magic”

Annie went back to school in her 40s to study nutrition. At almost 53 years old she is guiding other midlife women to feel powerful in their bodies. Now she’s dedicated to growing her business, writing a book, and continuously learning.
Sandra Julian

“If you want to live a life of no regrets then change is needed”

Sandra Julian doesn't relate to the word "power," but when you read her story, I think you'll agree that she is the embodiment of a Power Years woman. She is an indigenous mama of 3 living in Wellington, New Zealand, a successful founder of her own business for over twenty years, a podcaster, and helps women and minorities use business to improve their lives. In her fifties, she's found calm and a sense of balance after divorce, financial freedom, newly embraced her grey hair and found time for hobbies that she enjoys.
Aadila Munshi

“I believe we each must stay true to our own vision”

Aadila Munshi grew up in apartheid South Africa and studied criminology at the University of Cape Town before moving to Toronto, Canada. She works as a painter and powerfully weaves her values and perspectives into each piece.
Stacey Bernstein

“I am following my own internal compass”

Stacey Bernstein upended her whole life - her marriage and career - in her 40s. Through a series of losses and endings, she became acutely aware of how short life is and listened to a voice that told her she deserved to be happy. Stacey followed that inner guidance and discovered her own strength, resourcefulness, and resilience. In her early 50s, she has created a creatively fulfilling career and prioritizes her physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Melanie Isis Tinken

“I am a late bloomer”

After losing her relationship, job, and home in her mid-thirties, Melanie spent nearly a decade devoted to healing, self-discovery, and acceptance. In midlife, she has begun to own her story and her non-traditional path. She has found her life partner at 50, a joyful creative expression, and dedication to spirituality and self-care.
Gail Gensler

“Don’t give in to the archaic thinking that midlife signals an end”

At 60, Gail Gensler is in “beast mode”. She is passionate about fitness and aspires to change the narrative for both younger generations, so that they won’t fear growing older, and for her peers. She is as fierce about fighting ageism in marketing and branding as she is about her fitness.
e bond

“Sometimes the way forward isn’t always forward”

After 20 years of friendship, community, artmaking, and being a professor, e sold her life and drove across the country at 38 years old to do an MFA in Creative Writing and Book Art. She now lives on an island in northern California that is the polar opposite to her previous life in Philadelphia, working in design, making art, and navigating the changes of perimenopause.
Tinka Markham Piper

“For me, finding joy in small moments is so essential to everyday life”

Tinka Markham Piper is the epitome of someone who has combined experience with possibility, especially in the business she created nine years ago. Taking her skills from her previous careers and following her passion for home transformation, Tinka became what she calls a "chaos counselor."
Marci Warhaft

“Turning fifty gave me a sense of confidence and strength that I had yet to experience”

Marci Warhaft faced unbelievable trauma and tragedy in her first half of life that included losing the people she loved and counted on. As a consequence she developed an eating disorder that she struggled with for 20 years. Turning 50 gave Marci the strength to share her story and focus on both her own recovery and helping others. This is a story of immense courage and reckoning that has allowed Marci to follow her own authentic path to joy.
Johanna Reynolds

“I try and do something every day to push my own boundaries.”

In her late 40s, Johanna Reynolds is celebrating finding success as a full-time professional painter. She says her shifting her mindset and finding the confidence has been fundamental to being able to make this shift.
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